Submitted by Laura Dunn on

TIME: 18.15, Wednesday, December 7 2022
LOCATION: Business and Industry Organizations Meeting Room
Light refreshments will be served
Since its earliest days, the CBD has prioritised the precautionary approach to assess and monitor the impacts of new technologies. In an era of rapid technologically-driven change and ever greater technological power, policymakers need the means to see and prepare for disruptive trends. Come and hear:
- What is Horizon Scanning and Technology Assessment?
- How do these processes actually work in practice?
- How have Horizon Scanning, Technology Assessment and Monitoring arisen as key solutions within the work of the CBD and post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework?
Chair: Professor Louise Vandelac, Institute of Environmental Sciences, UQAM
- Dr Margret Engelhard, the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
- Dr Moustafa Fouda, the Egyptian Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs
- Jim Thomas, ETC Group
- Barbara Ntambirweki, AfriTAP (African Technology Assessment Platform)
- Silvia Ribeiro, Red TECLA (Latin American Network for Social Assessment of Technologies)
- Dr Ricarda Steinbrecher, Federation of German Scientists
Supported by ETC Group, Save Our Seeds and CREPPA, UQAM