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Listen to Pat Mooney's Talk HERE at Rabble
The Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy presented the Jack Nissenson Dialogue at Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
The Politics of Climate Change:
Climate Technofixes: Rio +20 or Silent Spring -50
By Pat Mooney, ETC Group
Having the “proof of principle” that industry can change the climate, the folks who caused the problem are proposing new technological solutions. Unfortunately, there is no "proof of principle" that they can do it right. Pat Mooney, author and award-winning director of ETC Group will provide an overview of the politics behind some of the most critical issues facing the planet today: unsustainable agriculture, corporate concentration in the life industries and geoengineering.
Desirée McGraw (Co-founder, Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project in Canada and Canadian delegate to the Rio Earth Summit)
William Marsden (Author of Fools Rule: Inside the Failed Politics of Climate Change)
Patrick Bonin (Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA))
Diana Bronson (Programme Manager, ETC Group)
Date: February 8, 2012
Time: 6 pm- 8 pm
Venue: Hall Building, 1455 de Maisonneuve West, Room H-767 Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
Organized in collaboration with ETC Group and the Institut des sciences de l'environnement de l'UQAM.