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Patagonia’s bet on biotech fabrics may threaten livelihoods and ecosystems

Farmers and environmentalists sound the alarm


OAKLAND, CA — The fashion and technology sectors alike have been abuzz about high-tech fabrics derived from genetically engineered microorganisms. Most notably, Patagonia Inc. – noted in the past for its support of organic textiles and its opposition to genetic engineering – has surprisingly teamed up with Bay Area based biotech startup Bolt Threads to help propel genetically engineered clothes to market.

Niegan la visa canadiense a defensor clave de la biodiversidad en África

No pudo asistir a la reunión de la ONU en que se discute la tecnología de impulsores genéticos

Las negociaciones sobre diversidad biológica de Naciones Unidas ocurren estos días en Montreal sin la presencia de un experto africano clave: Ali Tapsoba, presidente de la organización Terre à Vie, de Burkina Faso.

Un défenseur de premier plan de la biodiversité africaine s’est fait refuser un visa canadien quelques jours avant un forum de l’ONU

Alors que le débat sur le forçage génétique bat son plein, des fonctionnaires de l’Immigration Canadienne rejettent une voix clé
MONTRÉAL, 4 juillet 2018— Les négociations de l’ONU sur la biodiversité sont en cours à Montréal, mais un expert africain manque à l’appel. Ali Tapsoba, président de Terre à vie au Burkina Faso, avait prévu de prendre la parole au nom de la société civile burkinabé lors de deux événements. En outre, la société burkinabé s’oppose à la mise en liberté de moustiques marqués par le forçage génétique au sein de leurs communautés, cette nouvelle biotechnologie étant controversée.

Leading African Biodiversity Advocate Denied Canadian Visa Days Before UN Forum

As international debate on gene drive technology heats up, Canadian immigration officials deny a key voice

MONTREAL, July 4, 2018 - United Nations biodiversity negotiations are underway in Montreal, but a key African expert is missing from the fray. Ali Tapsoba, President of the organization Terre à Vie in Burkina Faso, was planning to speak at two events on behalf of Burkinabé civil society who oppose the release of gene drive mosquitoes, a controversial new biotechnology, in their communities.

His visa application was denied without explanation by the Canadian embassy in Dakar on Friday.

Media Advisory: New fact sheets reveal status of geoengineering technology development

Media Advisory: New fact sheets reveal status of geoengineering technology development

June 14, 2018

As climate geoengineering – the hypothetical, intentional manipulation of Earth systems to countereffect some of the symptoms of climate change – is entering the mainstream climate discourse, more and more headlines are claiming that sulphur particles in the stratosphere or massive dumps of iron in the ocean “will save the world from climate change.”

BOLETIN DE PRENSA: Reguladores de Europa ceden ante Bayer-Monsanto… Estados Unidos podría seguir

La sociedad civil llama a establecer un Tratado sobre Competencia en Naciones Unidas.

Para publicación inmediata. Bruselas.- La Dirección General de Competencia de la Unión Europea aprobó el 21 de marzo la controvertida fusión entre Bayer AG (de Alemania) y Monsanto (de Estados Unidos). Probablemente el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos dé su beneplácito a la decisión poco después.

NEWS RELEASE: Europe bows to Bayer-Monsanto... US may follow

Civil society responds with call for a UN Treaty on Competition

For immediate release: March 20, 2018

Brussels – The European Union’s Competition Directorate appears ready to roll over and approve the controversial merger of Bayer AG (Germany) with Monsanto (USA) within the week. Across the Atlantic, the US Department of Justice is expected to welcome the EU decision and announce its own acquiescence shortly after. 
