Quick Reads es

170 Global Groups Call for Moratorium on New Genetic Extinction Technology at UN Convention

CANCUN, MEXICO – This week, international conservation and environmental leaders are calling on governments at the 2016 UN Convention on Biodiversity to establish a moratorium on the controversial genetic extinction technology called gene drives.

Call for nominations: Captain Hook Awards for Biopiracy 2016

Yo ho ho! Who are the most gruesome and despicable biopirates plundering genetic resources in your country? Which corporate crooks are looting indigenous knowledge in your communities? Have any governments failed to ward off marauders, enacted bogus policies, or plotted against their own people? Which gene-jacking genome editors are carrying out dastardly digital theft via your local genome database?

New Guide IDs GMOs 2.0 in Food and Cosmetics

Consumer and Environmental groups release “Shopper’s Guide to Synthetic Biology”

BALTIMORE, MD ­Consumer and environmental groups today released the Shopper’s Guide to Synthetic Biology to help consumers avoid the new wave of GMOs in food and cosmetics, and find truly natural and sustainable options.

Gene-silenced apples that never look old, synthetic stevia created with genetically engineered yeast — these are just some of the new generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) making their way into food and consumer products.

Fusión Monsanto - Bayer: una de siete. Megafusiones y dominio de datos amenazan semillas y seguridad alimentaria

Las autoridades podrían aún bloquear las megafusiones; los campesinos y agricultores seguirán la lucha por sus semillas y sus derechos

La fusión Bayer-Monsanto es sólo una de las diversas megafusiones que hemos anticipado. Hay en ciernes al menos otras tres, bastante ocultas del radar de la opinión pública, que quieren cambiar radicalmente las reglas del juego en los agronegocios.

The Monsanto–Bayer tie-up is just one of seven; Mega-Mergers and Big Data Domination Threaten Seeds, Food Security

Policymakers could still block the agribiz mergers; peasants and farmers will continue the fight for seeds and rights

Wednesday’s confirmation that Monsanto and Bayer have agreed to a $66 billion merger is just the latest of four M&A announcements, but at least three more game-changing mergers are in play (and flying under the radar).  The acquisition activity is no longer just about seeds and pesticides but about global control of agricultural inputs and world food security.  Anti-competition regulators should block these mergers everywhere, and particularly in the emerging markets of the Global South, as the new mega companies will greatly expand their power and outcompete national enterprises.  Four

30 líderes ambientales dicen ¡No! a impulsores genéticos

La tecnología de extinción genética, rechazada por científicos y ambientalistas

OAHU, HAWAI — Mientras miles de representantes de los gobiernos y conservacionistas se reúnen en Oahu esta semana para el Congreso Mundial de Conservación 2016, líderes internacionales ambientales suenan la alarma en torno a los peligros potenciales del uso de los impulsores genéticos (gene drives) — una nueva tecnología de biología sintética muy controvertida, diseñada para extinguir especies objetivo.

Llamado a la conservación con conciencia

No hay lugar para los impulsores genéticos en la conservación

Las nuevas tecnologías han jugado un papel importante en la protección de la vida sobre la Tierra y quienes firmamos este llamado apoyamos la innovación y la ciencia que puede servir a la conservación. Sin embargo, consideramos que una tecnología tan poderosa y potencialmente peligrosa como los impulsores genéticos (gene drives), cuyas consecuencias imprevistas no han sido estudiadas ni probados, ni tampoco ha sido evaluada en sus impactos éticos y sociales), no debe promoverse como herramienta de conservación.

30 Environmental Leaders say 'No!' to Gene Drives in Conservation

Genetic “Extinction” Technology Rejected by International Group of Scientists, Conservationists and Environmental Advocates

OAHU, HAWAI'I — As thousands of government representatives and conservationists convene in Oahu this week for the 2016 World Conservation Congress, international conservation and environmental leaders are raising awareness about the potentially dangerous use of gene drives — a controversial new synthetic biology technology intended to deliberately cause targeted species to become extinct.

¿Comida o basura? La máquina de generar enfermedad

Silvia Ribeiro*

El sistema alimentario industrial, desde las semillas a los supermercados, es una máquina de enfermar a la gente y al planeta. Está vinculado a las principales enfermedades de la gente y de los animales de cría, es el mayor factor singular de cambio climático y uno de los principales causantes de factores de colapso ambiental global, como la contaminación química y la erosión de suelos, agua y biodiversidad, la disrupción de los ciclos del nitrógeno y del fósforo, vitales para la sobrevivencia de todos los seres vivos.  

Nobel laureates serving Monsanto and Syngenta

By Silvia Ribeiro*

It is not often that so many prominent scientists reveal their ignorance on a topic in such a short space. This was the case for the public letter that a hundred Nobel laureates published on June 30th defending genetically modified organisms (GMOs), particularly the so-called “Golden Rice,” and attacking Greenpeace for its critical stance on these crops. The letter is so full of high-sounding adjectives and epithets, false claims and poor arguments that it seems more like a propaganda tirade from transgenic companies than scientists presenting a position.
