Patentes y Biopiratería

Biopiracy, a term originally coined by ETC Group, refers to the appropriation of the knowledge and genetic resources of farming and indigenous communities by individuals or institutions that seek exclusive monopoly control (patents or intellectual property) over these resources and knowledge. ETC Group believes that intellectual property is predatory on the rights and knowledge of farming communities and indigenous peoples. Through nanotechnology- and synthetic biology-related patents, intellectual property claims are now being extended to elements of the periodic table and to key metabolic pathways involved in cellular functioning (and resulting in natural products with high commercial value).

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¿Quién controla los insumos agrícolas? Informe 2013 4 Sep 2013
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2 Nov 2012
Ingredientes, sabores, fragancias y la biología sintética 3 Jul 2012
Caucho y biología sintética: un tema nuevo y emergente para el CDB 3 Jul 2012