Silvia Ribeiro
Solapas principales

Silvia Ribeiro is the Latin America Director for ETC group. She is based in Mexico. She has a background as a journalist and environmental campaigner in Uruguay, Brazil and Sweden. She has extensive experience in social and environmental advocacy. As a civil society representative, she has attended and followed the negotiations of several of United Nations environmental treaties. She has also been an invited speaker at many civil society events around the world speaking on transgenic and other new technologies, corporate concentration, intellectual property, indigenous and farmers' rights. Silvia has also produced a number of articles related to these issues, that have been published in Latin American, European and North American magazines and papers, as well as chapters in several books. She is a member of the editorial committee of the Latin American magazine "Biodiversidad, sustento y culturas", published by Alianza Biodiversidad: Grain, ETC Group (México), Acción Ecológica (Ecuador), Campaña Semillas (Colombia), La Vía Campesina, Campaña de la semilla (Chile), Centro Ecológico (Brazil), Sobrevivencia (Paraguay), Acción por la Biodiversidad (Argentina), Red de Coordinación en Biodiversidad (Costa Rica).