Quick Reads es

Response from 'Glowing Plants' project

Email sent by Antony Evans


From: Antony Evans 

Date: May 7, 2013 1:34:33 PM EDT


Subject: Re: Request to Cancel the Kickstarter Synthetic Biology ‘Glowing Plants’ project.

Dear Jim Thomas and Eric Hoffman,

Thank you for your interest in our project and taking the time to write to us with your concerns. Please allow me to clarify and expand upon a few key points. 

Kickstopper letter to 'Glowing Plants' project

ETC Group and Friends of The Earth request a halt to Synthetic Biology project.


2 May 2013 Dear Antony Evans,

Request to Cancel the Kickstarter Synthetic Biology ʻGlowing Plantsʼ project.

We are writing to express our concern, in the strongest possible terms, about the project you have listed on Kickstarter, which, as currently advertised, will likely result in widespread, random and uncontrolled release of bioengineered seeds and plants produced with synthetic biology techniques. We respectfully request that this project, which poses real world risks to the environment, be abandoned as currently described.

Kickstopper Letter to Kickstarter

ETC and Friends of the Earth request Kickstarter Inc to Cancel the 'Glowing Plants' Project


Kickstarter Inc

155 Rivington St.

Second Floor

New York, NY 10002

United States 

30th April 2013


Dear Perry Chen, Charles Adler and Yancey Strickler:

Request for Kickstarter to cancel the Synthetic Biology ‘Glowing Plant: Natural Lighting with No Electricity’ project

Maíz transgénico de Sudáfrica: imposición en México y Zimbawe


Grupo ETC, Centro Africano para la Bioseguridad,

FoodMattersZimbabwe y CTDT

Johannesburgo, Harare y Ciudad de México 15 de abril de 2013

Nuevas importaciones de maíz transgénico de Sudáfrica a México

Cargamentos no autorizados hacia Zimbawe

En peligro el centro de origen y las formas de vida campesinas del maíz en Mesoamérica y en África

Tunis 2013: If we rely on corporate seed, we lose food sovereignty

World Social Forum Event organized by La Via Campesina, GRAIN and ETC Group

GROWING POWER IN PEASANT SEEDS SYSTEMS: Farmers seeds and struggle against GMOs, AGRA- 2nd Green Revolution. Tunis, March 29.

It has become crucial to defend seeds. In the past 20 or 30 years, what was once seen as normal – peasant farmers growing, selecting, saving and exchanging seeds – has come under attack from corporations seeking to control and commodify the very basis of agriculture.

Documento de antecedentes sobre el vertimiento de hierro en Haida Gwaii ocurrido en 2012

Hace 6 años (2007) el Grupo ETC alertó sobre una empresa comercial de geoingeniería llamada Planktos, Inc., la cual comenzó con la navegación en el río Potomac de un navío de investigación con vistas a verter 100 toneladas de nanopartículas de hierro en las aguas de las islas Galápagos. Planktos esperaba generar una elevación en el volumen de plancton por medio de la “fertilización oceánica”, una técnica de geoingeniería dirigida a la captura de carbono en aguas marinas profundas. La “gran idea” consistía en vender bonos de carbono mediante un esquema que Russ George, director ejecutivo de Planktos denominó “más un experimento de negocios que científico”.
