Taarini Chopra

Taarini works with ETC Group as a researcher and the coordinator of the North American Digital Agriculture Working Group (NADAWG). She has been working on issues related to corporate concentration in the agrifood system, genetic engineering, and environmental impacts of industrial agriculture for several years, and has completed graduate research on the politics and policy of genetically engineered crops in India.
Taarini also works with the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) as a researcher and campaigner. She has previously worked with Seeds of Diversity Canada, and as a researcher with the University of Waterloo's Global Food Politics Group. She has also worked as an independent writer and editor for several environmental and agricultural groups and researchers in India and Canada; as associate editor with the Canadian environmental magazine Alternatives Journal; on organic farms in Ontario; and was the co-chair of the Waterloo Region Food Systems Roundtable.
Taarini is currently based in Canada and lives on Indigenous territory, the original caretakers of which are the Neutral, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples.