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WEBINAR - Geoingeniería en las negociaciones climáticas

Ponentes: Neth Daño, Silvia Ribeiro y Niki Miranda Martínez, ETC group.
Geoingeniería en las negociaciones climáticas 2022

Bajo el radar de muchas personas y gobiernos, se están considerando varias riesgosas técnicas de geoingeniería en las negociaciones climáticas de la ONU. La mayoría son tecnologías especulativas que podrían causar aún más caos climático y funcionar como una costosa distracción de las soluciones reales.

Este seminario web, coorganizado por el Grupo ETC y la Fundación Rosa Luxemburgo, proporcionará una visión general de los lugares probables e improbables en los que la geoingeniería podría aparecer en las negociaciones climáticas de la ONU.

WEBINAR - Geoengineering in Climate Negotiations

Get the latest with Neth Daño, Silvia Ribeiro and Niki Martinez
An image promoting a webinar on Geoengineering In Climate Negotitations with a picture of the world from space being squeezed by a wrench

Under the radar of many people and governments, several risky geoengineering techniques are being considered at UN climate negotiations. Most are speculative technologies that could cause even more climate chaos and function as a costly distraction from real solutions.

This webinar, cohosted by ETC Group and RLS will provide an overview of the likely and unlikely places where geoengineering might pop up at UN climate negotiations.

GBF talks in Nairobi risk heading in wrong direction

Indigenous and Global South communities are biodiversity experts, not Silicon Valley
Gene Drive mosquito

With Global Biodiversity Framework negotiations about to wrap up in Nairobi this article was drafted to address some of the broader narratives that shape issues like horizon scanning, ‘30 by 30’ and technology assessment negotiations within the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This context is especially important for ensuring that gender, human rights and Indigenous rights are at the center of protecting and ensuring biodiversity for the future. 

Food, Data and Justice Dialogues

A critical approach to the digitalisation of food systems - What’s there to know? Introductory teach-ins

These recorded webinars (held on 29 & 30 June 2022) provide an introduction to the digitalisation of food systems from seed to stomach (also known as the 4.0 revolution in food and agriculture). You can view them on YouTube and we are compiling additional materials: please find all relevant links below.

Session 1: Power and technology: the digital food chain | By ETC Group
