Quick Reads es

Geoengineering Threatens Oceans

High-risk geoengineering projects are proceeding in violation of UN moratoria

MONTREAL, SYDNEY, UTQIAGVIK, SANTIAGO—On World Oceans Day, members of a global coalition formed by 195 organizations on 45 countries are raising the alarm about the threat of geoengineering to delicate, life-sustaining ocean ecosystems worldwide. The Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME) Campaign today called on civil society and government officials worldwide to vigorously oppose marine geoengineering experiments.

Covid-19 y el sistema industrial de producción de alimentos

Diálogo con Silvia Ribeiro y Enrique Dussel

Este 28 de mayo, en el noticiero “Aristegui Noticias”, su sección La Pandemia, conducida por el historiador y filósofo Enrique Dussel presentó un diálogo con Silvia Ribeiro sobre la relación entre la producción industrial de alimentos y la pandemia actual.

El video, de una hora, puede verse aquí.

Video/podcast #3: Which new normal?

ETC Group on COVID, data giants, the food system and community responses
Those backing risky new technologies are seeing growing profits and power during the COVID-19 crisis. From fast-tracking genomic testing and novel vaccines to automation of ‘people-free’ supply chains, the pandemic is benefitting Big Tech.
From the rise of Zoom and Netflix to enhanced data-surveillance of populations, Silicon Valley and its financial backers  are not only shaping how the crisis is lived, but are positioning themselves to shape behaviours and write the rules in a post-crisis new order.

Geoengineers test risky planetary engineering scheme in Australia

Experiment defies 193-country UN moratorium

MEXICO CITY, DAVAO CITY, MONTREAL, May 11—In a shocking move, a small group of Australian geoengineers have defied an international moratorium on the deployment of geoengineering technologies. To accomplish this, the project rebranded a risky geoengineering technology – in this case, brightening clouds to reflect solar energy back into space – as a plan to save the Great Barrier Reef. 

ETC Podcast #2: The Next Agribusiness Takeover

Pat Mooney talks global corporate power moves

In episode #2 of the ETC Podcast (recorded in January), founder Pat Mooney discusses ETC's communiqué, The Next Agribusiness Takeover: Multilateral Food Agencies and the moves powerful corporate actors are making to take over global food policy institutions.

You can now subscribe to the ETC Podcast on Spotify and Google Play
