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Biodiversity Convention's Terminator Decision Fails Biodiversity and Fails Farmers

SBSTTA Decision sticks out as a lonely defense of Terminator against a global background of rejections.

While momentum to ban Terminator Technology builds across the world, the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity has taken a large step backwards in its recent decision on Terminator and related technologies it calls GURTs" (Genetic Use Restriction Technologies). Rather than banning them - or even calling for a moratorium - the Biodiversity Convention's scientific body (called SBSTTA) adopted a decision that gives a green light to their commercialization. The SBSTTA decision even restricts the rights of countries to impose national bans on Terminator by linking moratoria to trade sanctions. Says RAFI's Executive Director Pat Mooney, "The CBD isn't regulating GMOs - Genetically Modified Organisms, it is becoming a GMO - a Governmentally Modified Organism."

Traitor Resolutions?

The CBD as a GMO (Governmentally-modified Organism) Interminable Terminator talks at the Biodiversity Convention fail to exercise precautionary principle on threat to security and sovereignty. If the Convention can't take a stand on Terminator what can it do?

It's 'The Real Thing' in Paraguay

The folks that brought you Terminator are now dumping Originator toxic seeds on farmers' fields.

When the Biodiversity Convention's call last year for an investigation of Terminator Technology was followed by a repudiation of the Terminator by the world's largest public sector plant breeding network (CGIAR), the technology's numerous inventors began to back peddle. After all, commercial introduction of the seed sterilization technique was at least three years off. If governments and civil society critics could be pacified now, there would be time to position an effective lobby and PR strategy that would keep the Terminator 'on course' as the platform for all GMO plant breeding in the future.


El Convenio de Biodiversidad debe parar la amenaza de las tecnologias

El Organo Subsidiario de Asesoramiento Científico, Técnico y Tecnológico (OSACTT) del Convenio de Biodiversidad se reúne en Montreal del 21 al 25 de junio. En la agenda de discusión están las tecnologías"Terminator" (exterminadora) y "Traitor" (traidora). Denominadas Tecnologías de Restricción del Uso Genético (TRUG) por Naciones Unidas, estas tecnologías fueron analizadas por un panel independiente de científicos de OSACTT que presentarán su informe a los gobiernos.

Call for "Seed Sovereignty" ban on Terminator patents

Letters to 140 national governments call for direct action as campaign to ban Terminator The technology enters new phase. Are patent-holders waving a white flag?

Launching a new phase in the campaign to 'Terminate Terminator (seed sterilization) Technology', RAFI is sending personal letters to more than 550 ministers and senior officials responsible for agriculture, environment, and patent offices in 140 countries. The letters ask cabinet officers to assert national sovereignty over their seed supply and to ban the seed sterilization technology outright. The letters also ask ministers to reject each individual Terminator-type patent pending within their jurisdiction. Ministers are receiving a status report on key Terminator patents in their countries. Many governments are unaware that the World Trade Organization allows countries to reject individual patents on the grounds that they are contrary to ordre public (public morality and/or a threat to health or the environment)," Pat Mooney, RAFI's Executive Director says, "The WTO also allows governments to ban the entire technology. Both steps should be taken."

