COP8 - final day - Finally its Final!


Lucy Sharratt

At 9:30 pm in Brazil, the 8th Conference of the Parties confirmed its decision on Terminator. It is now official.

We see a moratorium on Terminator that is now strengthened.

There is caution, however, as we celebrate since we know that corporations are still developing Terminator, that industry will not stop pursuing Terminator until national governments legislate bans on Terminator, that Canada, Australia and New Zealand will still support industry efforts to end the moratorium and find new ways to try and undermine it, and that the moratorium is not a ban.

The worst of the language that would have undermined the moratorium is gone and there is an addition that strengthens the recommendation to governments that they not conduct field trials.

The final language from COP8 still holds remnants of continuing efforts to undermine the moratorium but for now these can serve as warnings to us to watch closely and work hard for an outright ban Terminator.

Click here for a little summary of how it happened.