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Pollution is not a climate solution: Africa wins the fight against solar geoengineering at UNEA-6

Withdrawn resolution on solar geoengineering at UNEA6 is a "victory for common sense", says HOME Alliance

Nairobi, Kenya – In the early hours of this morning at the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) a resolution on solar geoengineering was withdrawn. Numerous African countries, along with many others from the Global South, advocated for the Assembly to reaffirm a precautionary approach to geoengineering, as it has been established by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other UN bodies.

Growing carbon is not like growing watermelons: the seductive trap of carbon farming and digital tech

Episode 4 of 'Who will control the food system?'
Food Barons report cover art showing peasants resisting corporate digital giants

Tune into the next episode in our latest podcast mini-series, Who Will Control the Food System, where we uncover just who's pulling the strings of industrial agriculture, dissect the latest corporate strategies, and take inspiration from the peoples and movements fighting back.


In this fourth episode, Zahra Moloo talks to Camila Moreno, an independent researcher who works with social movements in Brazil and across Latin America on the social and environmental dimensions of biotechnology and agribusiness expansion.

Solar Geoengineering at UNEA

Briefing for UNEA6 Delegates on Solar Radiation Modification

ETC Group is in Nairobi, Kenya this week at the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6). Along with the Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Alliance and other allies we have contributed to a new briefing for delegates on what is set to be a hotly-debated topic at the Assembly: Geoengineering the climate through Solar Radiation Modification (SRM).

Disruptive digital food and ag techs invading indigenous territories in India

Episode 3 of 'Who will control the food system?'
Food Barons report cover art showing peasants resisting corporate digital giants

Tune into the next episode in our latest podcast mini-series, Who Will Control the Food System, where we uncover just who's pulling the strings of industrial agriculture, dissect the latest corporate strategies, and take inspiration from the peoples and movements fighting back.


In East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India, an Adivasi farmer gave his personal data and information, including his telephone number, to a representative of the Indian government. In India, “adivasi” is a collective term used to refer to indigenous people.

COP 28: sugar-coated poison pill

The conclusions of COP 28 will do nothing for the health of our planet, as snake oil salesmen rule the roost in the UNFCCC at the moment.

The document containing the recent conclusions from the UN climate change conference in the United Arab Emirates (COP 28) is an egregious example of an official statement crafted to appear to be addressing a crucial problem, whilst skilfully disguising the fact that many decisions taken will actually worsen that problem. A perverse narrative has been forced through, hiding a complete lack of real action. 

Stop carbon offsetting now!

The fraud and harms to local communities caused by carbon market projects have been thoroughly documented.

Press release, 4 December 2023 Carbon offsetting has undermined real climate action, given rise to human rights and Indigenous rights violations and caused severe harm to frontline communities for over two decades. Despite this, the UN climate conference (COP28) currently underway in the United Arab Emirates is set to be one of the biggest promotional events for carbon offsets ever.

CBD needs to reinforce precaution against geoengineering to protect biodiversity

Briefing for delegates at SBSTTA 25


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