Patents & Biopiracy: all materials

For Outstanding Achievements in Biopiracy 8 Apr 2002
+ Captain Hook Awards 2002 31 Mar 2002
Neither Early Warning nor Early Listening - What the CGIAR is Not Doing 26 Feb 2002
More on the Mexican GM Maize Scandal 18 Feb 2002
Genetic Pollution in Mexico's Centre of Maize Diversity 31 Jan 2002
Contaminated Corn and Tainted Tortillas: Genetic Pollution in Mexico's Centre of Maize Diversity 22 Jan 2002
Yellow Bean Patent Owner Sues 16 Farmers and Processors in US 16 Dec 2001
Is "The Law of the Seed" a White Elephant. Or the Mouse that could roar? 5 Dec 2001
30 Nov 2001
Alternative Mechanisms to Enhance Corporate Monopoly and BioSerfdom in the 21st Century 30 Nov 2001
Victory for Indigenous Peoples in Chiapas 8 Nov 2001
U.S. Acquisitionof aromatic Thai rice breaks trust, tramples farmers, threatens trade and seed treaty talks 30 Oct 2001
The Dissent Disease 22 Oct 2001
